So I'll go ahead and fill you in on what to expect from reading this blog: Some fun times with Domestic Ambitions, reviews from the numerous reality tv shows I watch, hilarious moments of my child (Tippy ~ the chihuahua), and if your lucky, some crafty projects made by ME! Even though the title of this blog is the "Crafty" bachelorette, it doesn't mean that I sit at home at my sewing machine non-stop....I have waaaay too many shows on DVR for that. But I want to do projects more than what I do right now so hopefully this blog will movitate me to do it.
Tippy (my chihuahua) and Scotty (my parent's chihuahua)

Tippy was so sleepy, she couldn't even hold her eyes open.

Something else to expect is "The Office Quote of the Day". The Office is one of my favorite primetime TV shows and one of my co-workers got me one of those jazzy calendars where you rip off a page each day and it has a quote from The Office on each day. So everyday I blog through 2010, I will end it with a quote that will hopefully put a smile on your face! :) WARNING: If you don't watch The Office, you probably won't think it's very funny because you just have to know the characters and imagine them saying it!
The Office Quote of the Day:
"I learned a while back that if I don't text 'nine-one-one,' people will not return my calls. Um, but now people always return my calls because they think that something horrible has happened."
I LOVE IT!!! I'm so excited and can't wait to see all the cool posts I know you're going to do! Love ya!