This is HUGE people! It's HUGE!!! My first (and could possibly be my last) somewhat-domestic blog. So I felt obligated to share. Last week we celebrated my co-worker's birthday. We were pretty much "caked-out" since we had birthday cake for 2 of our students workers a couple days before and birthday cake for me the week before so I thought I would make a fruit pizza! I gotta say, I think it turned out pretty cute. I was happy with "Happy" (lol) but the "B-Day" got a little WoNkY. Oh well, it still tasted good.

My friend Erin from high school is the queen of fruit pizzas. Mine didn't taste quite as good as hers but here's the recipe I used if you're interested:
1 roll of sugar cookie dough
2 bars of cream cheese
1/2 cup of sugar (not powdered sugar)
1 tsp of vanilla
Whatever fruit you wanna use
Roll the cookie dough out on a pizza pan and bake it according to the directions on the package. Put the cream cheese in the microwave until it competely softens. Add the sugar and vanilla and spread onto the cookie once it cools. Add your fruit!
In case you're wondering this is the second time that I have used my oven since I moved into my new place. Yay me!
My domestic-ability didn't end there folks! I had these 2 pots that have been sitting outside that had last year's dead flowers, which were basically little twigs now. I wanted something pretty so I headed on over to Lowes and planted these!

I'll go ahead and say, it wasn't pretty and I was covered in dirt. Word of advice, it's kinda hard to shovel dirt in pots when the wind is blowing.
The Office Quote of the Day:
Hello. Time to make the donuts. Oh, Halpert, wow! Boner patrol! Arrest that man. Your donuts make me go nuts!