Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Oh &%#$!! The Big 3-0!
In the past, I've always counted down the days with excitement until my birthday. "Only (fill in the blank) days until my birthday!!" This year, I've said the exact same thing but in a pouty tone and on the verge of tears. But with my pain, comes your enjoyment: A list of 30 things about this old fart. Just like I did last year for my 29th birthday, which you can read here and of course, the list I did for Jenny on (what would've been) her 30th birthday. Don't expect a list of 31 things next year because I don't know how many more things I can of about myself. Shocking, I know.
Dim the lights, here we go!
2) I had my tonsils removed when I was 26 years old. Oh, to be in my 20s again! It's true, it's much worse to have it done when you're older but thanks to having an awesome doctor and eating solid foods on the second day, I healed up pretty quickly. I had to be off work for 2 full weeks and sleep propped up so I wouldn't choke on my blood and die. But overall, it wasn't as bad as I was afraid it would be. Plus, it was pretty nice having my mom take care of me :)
3) I have TMJ and can only open my mouth about 2/3 the way. I've worn a splint, I've had physical therapy and even a procedure done to flush out the joint but nothing worked. My jaw is just stuck. Sometimes, I have to smash my food down to fit it in my mouth. And yes, I had it when I got my tonsils out too. Ouch.
4) Let's talk closet. I like my closet color coordinated and grouped by category: Tank tops, long sleeve shirts, short sleeve shirts, and so on. It makes it so much easier to find what I'm looking for. As far as hangers, I like all my hangers to match and I have a certain section in my closet where I keep empty hangers. I don't just yank a shirt off a hanger and leave it there. I take the hanger down, take the shirt off, and put it in the empty hanger section of my closet. That way, I don't have to dig through my closet to find an empty hanger.
5) I got my tongue pierced when I was in college. My roommate and I were out running errands during sorority recruitment and we decided that we would go get something pierced. She wanted her belly button pierced and since I didn't weigh 88 pounds like she did and knew I wouldn't be flashing my belly button, I went for the tongue for two reasons 1) I knew I would lose weight because I would have a hard time eating for a few days and I was right! I lost 6 pounds in 3 days! 2) The piercer said it was the least painful piercing you could get and believe it or not, it really didn't hurt. I took it out after I graduated from college since I figured I needed to be more professional.
7) I have a tattoo of a cross that I designed myself about 5 or 6 years ago that's on my hip.
8) If I had my choice of pulling into the very first parking spot at Wal-Mart or parking next to the cart return, I'd pick the one next to the cart return any day!
9) When I was little, I LOVED the song We Built This City. I played that record so much that it makes my sister cringe to this day when she hears it. Whatta a good song!
11) I don't like silence. At my house, I like to sleep with a loud fan on and even at work I listen to the radio on my computer. I feel like I work faster and I'm more productive when I have music playing softly in the background.
12) I'm friends/civil with almost all of my ex-boyfriends. I still talk to couple of them every once in a while and those I don't talk to, I definitely would say hi if I ran into them.
13) When I wash my sheets, I will not get into the bed before showering first. Clean sheets + clean me = aahhhhhh :)
14) When I bathe Tippy, I make sure her blanket is clean whenever she is clean.
15) I absolutely cannot stand when my lips are dry. I have to have lip gloss or carmex on my lips at all times. If I don't, they drive me crazy and I feel like I'm moving my lips awkwardly when I talk. I absolutely have to, have to, have to put carmex on before I go to bed.
16) I've been to so many Mexican restaurants that when I sit down at a non-Mexican restaurant, I come thisclose to saying "Gracias" when they refill my drink.
17) I prefer Coke in a can but Pepsi fountain drinks.
18) Color coding is so much fun!
19) I can sing every single word to Snoop Dogg's Lodi Dodi.....without music.
20) I truly believe dry shampoo was sent from God. Before Dry Shampoo (BDS), I would have to wash my hair every day. Thanks to this can of pure awesomeness, I can go 3 days without having to wash my hair. Just spray on the roots and VIOLA!
21) I have a bad habit of using "air quotes."
22) When I was in college, I knew every single move to NSYNC's Dirty Pop. I remember one time, I had my friend, her boyfriend and his friend over at my apartment and I popped in the video and did the entire dance along with the video. I had to pick their jaws up from off the floor.
24) As far as blogging, I don't feel like I'm the great blogger that I wanted to be. If it weren't for Tippy Tuesdays, I wouldn't have nearly as many posts. What I try to do is have at least one crafty blog post between Tippy Tuesdays, which makes it 2 posts a week. Sometimes that doesn't always happen and when it doesn't, it irks me.
25) When I'm at work, I have to put lotion on my hands every time I go potty and wash my hands. I'm not sure why I don't do it at home. I'm weird. That's the only reason I can think of.
26) I currently have 46 shows set on my DVR, you can see the full list here. This is why I can't ever get any crafty things done! Thanks to some of those shows no longer airing and a couple more canceling, I may be able to get some stuff done this year!
27) Sometimes I dance and shake my booty in Tippy's face just to get a reaction from her. Sadly, she's gotten used to it and just looks at me like I'm crazy. Poor Tippy, she truly lives a hard life.
28) Do you remember when we were little and if we were drinking a can of pop, we would flip the tab on the can back and forth while saying the alphabet? Then you would think of a last name that began with the letter that it broke off on and you were going to marry that person. Well, I still do this with my cans. Not because it will tell me who I'm going to marry but just because it's fun!
29) I've pulled a couple switcharoos lately. First, I made a bold move and decided to switch my watch from my left wrist to my right. I felt a little lop-sided for a couple of days but realized it was better suited for my lifestyle. Then I decided to start sleeping on the right side of the bed instead of sleeping on the left. It was kinda fun! Hmmm.....what else could I switch?
30) I can't believe I'm 30. I can't believe I'm 30. I can't believe I'm 30. Doesn't 29 sound SO MUCH younger than 30? I had originally planned on spending my birthday in bed all day with the lights off but I ended up having to work in Louisville and I'm glad I did. I was overwhelmed with all the birthday wishes and I got serenaded 4 times (twice from my mom because she didn't think I remembered her singing to me the first time thanks to the margaritas, beer, and 2 shots of tequila the Mexican waiters made me take). Thanks to everyone who made my bday special and that includes the surprise birthday dinner I had last weekend. Love you all!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tippy Tuesday
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Nice to meet you, Mac-daddy!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
What about that 30 by 30??

So after Easter, I decided that I was going to get back on the diet but there were a few occasions coming up where I knew I would be cheating: Brittany's Totally 80's 30th Birthday Party, Cinco de Mayo (Yay Mexico!), Oaks, and Derby. And boy did I cheat! So when I blow it on the weekends, I usually spend the week after getting it back off. I'm not following the diet as strict as I was. If I go out for pizza and beer with the girls then, by-golly, I'm gonna have pizza and beer with the girls. But I've learned to not stuff myself and tell myself to stop when I'm full. As of right now, I've lost about 12 pounds. Even though it isn't exactly 30 pounds, I'm already looking better at 30 than I did at 29 (even though I'm still technically 29). Hopefully by the end of the summer, I will look better than I did at 27! Whoa, I'm not used to having such a positive outlook on myself!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Tippy Tuesday
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
And no, I don't own a ginormous size pair of scissors. What was supposed to have been a 20x30 print ended up as an 8x12 print. After waiting 3 weeks to get it, I didn't even bother getting the right size. It won't be the statement piece I had hoped for but I'll find a way to make it stand out. Promise.