Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tippy Tuesday

It was time for Tippy to get new dog bowls and when I saw this Mexican-inspired dinnerware at Kroger, I knew it was perfect for her.  (Ok, and maybe for me too.)

 I never knew that a couple of bowls and a plate would turn my pupils into heart shapes. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My 1st Trimester: Craft Room

Well, I've made it.  I've made it through my first trimester.  Yep, that's right.  I am 3 months into getting my craft room finished.  I only have 6 more months to go and the pressure is on!  As promised, I am giving you an update on how things are going.  So this is how it looks at this very moment with a little side-by-side before and after comparison. 

 Now you understand why I injured myself every time I walked in here.  

I still can't believe I let this room get this way....

If you're wondering where everything went.....well, let's just say you don't wanna see the rest of my house.  Thankfully, a lot of it either went to Goodwill or the trash and the feeling to get rid of all that was uh-mazing!  Once I got everything cleaned out, I cleaned the window, washed down the baseboards and shampooed the carpet.  Now I'm trying to pick out fabric for my window treatments and pick out paint.  I love the fabric in the picture below but it's much more than I wanna pay for fabric.  Unless I can find a coupon, it sadly will not reside in la casa de Shari.

Oh yeah, one other thing I had to do was spackle 16 holes right above my doorway.  You see, I bought a pull up bar (that I only used a handful of times, but that's besides the point) and it required drilling 8 holes in the wall.  So I mounted it and I apparently didn't drill them in the right spots so I had to put 8 more holes in the wall.  Yep, I can be dangerous with a drill.

Oh and guess what....after I shampooed the carpet, Tippy thought she would break it back in and poop right there....and she never has accidents inside unless she's excited. 

So there you have it.  The good thing about dragging everything into every other room is it will light a fire up my badonkadonk and get on it so I can get my house back to normal.  I'm not putting anything back in there unless it's pretty and going to its permanent home.  

Stay tuned because I will be back at the end of my second trimester on July 9th with another update.  It will be much prettier by then!

Tippy Tuesday

Tippy's favorite seat in the house is always on top of another furry relative.....poor Scotty.  Reason #7438 that it's Tippy's world and we just live in it. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tippy Tuesday

While I was out of town for work, my parents took Tippy to my sister's house and shortly after I received this picture...

But the text message that came with it was best part.  Let me explain that once I introduced my mom to talk-to-text, she just can't stay away from that little microphone. 

Having a hard time figuring that one out?  I did too.  Translation?  "Auntie Shauna giving Tippy some water.  We are here."  The funniest part about that statement is that Tippy really is anti-Shauna. Hahaha!!  Oh, don't worry....the feeling is mutual.