Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I WON $1,000!!!!

What a day I've had! I won $1,000 on Kidd Kraddick in the Morning! I'm still in total shock! I have to start by saying that I have been a HUGE fan of the show for about 4 or 5 years. I'm a fan of everyone on the show. They have some of the funniest bits ever and I also love the fact that they cover celebrity gossip. If you've never heard of the show before, it's a nationally syndicated radio show out of Dallas and they have A-list celebrities on all the time. I can go on and on about them but enough about them, let's talk about me! lol.

I entered this contest they were having called Free Money Name Game. Every day they randomly pick 2 letters and if they are your initials (forwards or backwards), then you can enter to win $1,000. I was sitting there listening to the show and all of a sudden, I heard Kidd Kraddick say "S-V. If those are your initials, you can enter to win $1,000!" I panicked and immediately logged on and entered.

Later that day around 3pm, I got a call from a phone screener from the show. She told me I was in the running to win and she needed some info. Then she said, "So HYPOTHETICALLY, if we called you in the morning, what is the best number where we can reach you?" And she made a point to tell me to MAKE SURE I was by my phone between 7:20-10am central time (8:20 our time). From the way she was talking to me, it was like she said everything BUT "you won!" For obvious reasons, they can't tell me that I won.

When I hung up the phone, I was flipping out! I became all flustered, flushed, and my knee caps were shaking. Yeah, I was excited that there was a reeeally good possibility that I was going to win a grand, but even more excited that I was going to get to talk to the cast of the radio show that I love so much! Call me crazy but that's how much I love this show! Winning $1,000 would just be the icing on the cake!

So the next morning rolls around and I leave the house early because I had to make a pit stop at Wal-Mart before I went to work. I was pulling in Wal-Mart and my phone rang and it was them. Wait a minute! They're early! I told everyone to listen at 8:20 and it was only 7:45! So I answer and it's another phone screener. Once again, he said I was in the running and he was just trying to get a couple people on the line. Come on, already! I know you can't tell me I won but this is getting a bit ridiculous! So he goes over the rules: 1) Don't give any shout-outs 2) If they ask what I plan on doing with the money, don't say "pay bills" but something more creative like go to the spa or go on a vacation with my husband or boyfriend (ha! I found that humorous) 3) Act excited and 4) Don't cuss. Again, why would they tell me all that if I was just "in the running". Keep in mind I'm sitting in my car in Wal-Mart parking lot during all this because I didn't want to go inside Wal-Mart and start screaming because I won $1,000. So, I'm sitting there on hold and my heart is racing and then I hear Kidd Kraddick's voice!

Click here if you want to see what happened!

This is the ironic thing about all this.... Like most grandparents, my Granny would always give me money here and there. She said she couldn't stand the thought of me doing without. Well, today would have been her birthday. I can't help but think that Granny had a little something to do with it :) Love and miss you Granny!

Friday, September 24, 2010

A (re)productive evening

I have to start by saying THIS IS MY 50th POST!!!!! I cannot believe that 50 posts later, I'm still blogging. Granted, I haven't exactly blogged about what I intended this blog to be about: crafts and reality TV. That's why this blog is called The Crafty Bachelorette. It's been more about that little dog of mine. Tippy is her name in case you forgot. Ha! I have some projects that are halfway done and I hate it that I won't make time to finish them so that I can share them with all of my dedicated readers :) As for the reality shows, I stress out enough now that all the new shows are on and I have to spend hours in front of my DVR catching up on them. The thought of finding the time to blog about them stresses me out even more! I try my best to blog at least twice a week but sometimes that doesn't happen. At least you can guarantee a blog post every Tuesday!

Moving on. The other night, I had planned on cutting my grass and when I mentioned it to my friend Easy, he said he wanted to do it. Since I moved in, he has offered several times to cut it for me because he LOVES cutting grass! I guess I just couldn't fathom someone loving to cut grass....especially that hill of mine. Since he insisted, I went ahead and let him. :)

I have to say that's one fine haircut! I wonder who cut it? :)

Told ya that hill was a B!

While he was cutting the grass, I decided to water my flowers. I walked over to the water hose to fill up my watering can. I was bending down filling it up when I just so happened to look up and see this about 12" from my face.

I don't know much about insects.....are they grasshoppers or crickets....or something else? Let's just call them crickets.

Seeing these crickets reminded me of a funny story. My brother, I'm guessing he was in his 20's at the time, would turn the TV on the naughty adult channels and yell for my mom. She'd walk in the room and he would say, "Mommy! Mommy! What are they doing?" Ahh....good times!

So I have to admit, when I first saw them, my innocence seriously thought they were giving each other a piggy back ride. The one on top was so much smaller than the other one so I thought that it might have been the "baby." Until I got a closer look. Then I saw the belly of the one on the bottom and it was moving up and down pretty quickly like it was breathing hard. Who would've guessed that I had insect porn right in my back yard?

These poor crickets. I was all up in their grill while they were trying to have a little privacy. I literally had the camera inches from them and after about 10 minutes of snapping pics, they started to get a little irritated and moving away from me. I didn't let that stop me. I still kept taking pics! Then all of a sudden, they jumped (still attached) on the strap of my camera. Can you say I FREAKED! I kept shaking my camera and finally got them off and they landed in the grass. I then decided to leave them alone and let them have their moment.

After all of Easy's hard work and after my cricket photo session, we sat outside on my back patio and hung out for a couple of hours with a couple of drinks. There is nothing that I love more than chatting with friends outside on a nice summer/fall night.

I didn't even bother turning on the light outside because it was practically a full moon and that was all the light we needed.

Of course we also had the light from our phones....

And the light from Easy's cigarettes. lol.

Tippy loves nights outside too. She also loves chillin' with her Uncle Easy :)

The Office Quote of the Day:
I can tell Michael's mood by which comedy routine he chooses to do. The more infantile, the more upset he is. And he just skipped the "Ace Venture" talking butt thing. He never skips it. This is bad.
~ Pam

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tippy Tuesday

Shew, finally! A little "me" time. I don't know why mommy thinks she has to watch me everytime I come outside. Does she really think I'm gonna do something bad? *evil grin*

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tippy Tuesday

It's football season and Tippy is just as excited as I am! She's a huge UK fan but she still REFUSES to say "Go Cats!" Her reason?....Because she's a dog and can't bring herself to cheer for cats.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beauty School....Here I Come!!

I received an email today from a friend asking if I could cut his hair or he was going to have a Britney Spears moment and buzz it all off himself. He's had a lot going on lately and this is something he felt like he needed to do in order to feel liberated, much like Britney. If you know me, you know that he had me at "Britney" and so I couldn't say no. I have NEVER EVER cut a guy's hair before so I was very hesitant and nervous. The scary part....he is always so well put together and never has a hair out of place. So he was going to trust ME with his hair and those buzzing clippy things??? So I agreed to do it but was totally nervous! All he wanted was a buzz cut and he read on the internet that it was the easiest cut to do.

For those of you that are first time buzz cutters, below are the necessary items that I used:

1) A set of....whatever these things are called...buzzers? And the protector thingys. We had different sizes but we only used the longest one just in case he flipped out for it being too short.

2) BOTH of my cell phones in case I needed to call someone in case of an emergency.

3) And a couple of these to calm my nerves.

Here's a little BEFORE shot

And after this.....

the final product!

I gotta say, I thought he looked better than he did before. What do ya'll think? Can you give me any comments, tips, suggestions?

Today's quote could not be any more fitting!
The Office Quote of the Day:
It's Britney, bitch, and I am back in the form of a new company, the Michael Scott Paper Company.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tippy Tuesday

This is a special edition of Tippy Tuesday! It's Tippy's 2nd Birthday!! Well, her birthday actually isn't until the 10th but since my family and all the dogs headed to my sister's house in Louisville, we decided to have her birthday party along with my dad's birthday.

My dad brought his tent so I did just a little bit of decorating.

Tippy's birthday presents

We had a Dora the Explorer theme since Dora is Mexican like Tippy

You know she had to party in style

The birthday boy and the birthday girl!

Mama with Tippy

Tippy's birthday dinner? Lamb chops!

Of course she had presents to open

Happy Birthday Tippy-Toes!!!
Mama loves you verrrrry much!